Top-Notch CEO Coaching Circle Resources
Download the Resources You Need in Order to Get Started:
- The book "101 Quick Tips For High-Talent Companies" by Stephie Althouse , PhD and June Davidson, PhD
- The electronic version of the worksheet contained in the book (you will need to fill it out to maximize your benefit of the TNCC and to graduate)
Transforming Talent Into Wealth Component #1:
Session 1:
- Introduction
- Mindset of a Top-Notch CEO
Prepare for Transforming Talent Into Wealth Component 1: Mastery - Mindset of a top-Notch CEO (including Money)
- Read or listen to the introduction
- Read or listen to Chapter 1 - "Mastery - Mindset of a Top-Notch CEO"
- VERY IMPORTANT: Please capture your ideas, thoughts and goals triggered by the tips of chapter 1 in the worksheet you downloaded above.
Coaching Exercise: Connection between BELIEFS, feelings, actions or inactions and RESULTS
This coaching exercise is related to Tip 1 "Your mindset matters most."
Download this graph: connection-between-beliefs-and-results
Ask yourself:
- What is a result you are getting right now that you are not happy with?
- What might be the belief that is holding you back from getting the result/s you really want?
Write your insights down. You the worksheet to capture the essence of your insight/ thoughts.
Coaching Exercise: HAPPIEST Wheel
Step 1: Set a SMARTER Goal ((SMARTER = Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reasonable, Timebound, Excited, Recorded) that really matters to you.
Write it down!
Step 2: Assess all the ingredients you need for this goal via the HAPPIEST wheel.
Rate each ingredient on a scale of 1-10 (10=best) as it pertains to the goal you set.
Step 3: Identify the gaps and establish an action plan to fill them
Think of all the ingredients in the HAPPIEST formula as links in a chain. When you pull on the chain, it will break at its weakest link. With this exercise you can assess which link/s is/are your weakest.
Ask yourself : Which area do I need to focus on improving? List what specifically you need to work on.
Habits: I need to get into the habit of planning and scheduling every day. (List how you will do it)
Team: I need to expand my work by building a team rather than being the “lone wolf.” (List how you will do it).
Download the HAPPIEST exercise here.
Session 2:
- Complete "Mindset of a Top-Notch CEO (Chapter 1)
- Mastery of Money (Chapter 4)
Prepare for Session 2:
- During/ right after session 1: Complete the worksheet for Chapter 1 - at least, for all the tips we discussed in session 1.
- Read or listen to Chapter 4:
Extra materials for session 2:
- Coaching exercise about Optionism (Tip 10)
Coaching Exercise: Use Optionism for Great Decision-Making
Step 1: Think of a decision you need to make; yet, for some reason, you have a difficult time making it. If you can't think of a decision that is before you right now, recall a situation from the past, i.e., a decision that was difficult for you to make.
Step 2: Which options are you considering?
Step 3: If you are only thinking of two options (for example, saying "yes" or "no" to someone or something, then stop. Either way, what additional options could you come up with? Get creative! 🙂
Step 4: Now that you are have more than 2 options - three at least -, weigh their pros and cons.
Step 5: On a scale of 1 - 10, how much easier is it now to decide? (10= easiest)
Download the Optionism exercise here.